1) Technologies are relentlessly moving the change metronome of life to beat faster and faster.
Age cannot slow it down, actually the reverse.
2) The future seems more insecure and uncertain.
Age cannot establish more certainty in the world.
3) It feels like more chaos and direct threats than ever before.
Age cannot change your feelings or change the world.
4) Anything and everyone that exists in form and time is subject to impermanence.
Age cannot reverse impermanence.
5) The culture shouts and cries - stay young when young is no longer available.
Age cannot make the old young.
1) Who you are in the world doesn’t need to be who you have been or what the culture says you should be.
Age makes the most significant difference here. You are now in charge of you.
An elder is the best path for handling items 1 through 5.
We invite you to attend our Sangha call on April 19th, 4:00 pm PT. You will directly experience what it’s like and what is gained from being in this Sangha.
Each call has a focus. The focus of the April 19th call is to explore and examine yourself, the domain of our existence referred to as being.
We recommend that you engage in these two questions before the call.
· What is being in my experience, and who am I being right now?
· When I am at peace, open, unworried, appreciative, and feel connected, who am I being then?
Once registered, you will receive your confirmation with a note on how best to participate to gain value from the call.
For guests, please register here.
Also, please note that the call may run longer than an hour. So, inform your guests to plan another twenty minutes, 4:00 pm to 5:20 pm PT.
At our age, we appreciate what time means to all of us. Thank you for your time.