The term "cosmic" refers to things related to the cosmos, encompassing the entire universe, including outer space and all its contents—stars, galaxies, planets, and all other celestial bodies.
Cosmic denotes phenomena beyond the scope of Earth or humanity, often carrying connotations of grandeur, mystery, and unfathomable magnitude on a cosmic scale.
A law is a rule or principle that governs a system's behavior or function.
Cosmic laws are abstract constructs yet incredibly powerful forces that govern the universe and the natural order of things – including you. These laws are fundamental and unchanging.
Various entities such as religious institutions, government bodies, philosophical traditions, astrology, psychology, and science interpret these cosmic laws differently, yet they all share fundamental alignment and intentions.
These different entities operate as subsystems within the broader context of cosmic laws, which function as the metasystem. While subsystems may vary in their version, they are always subordinate to and cannot supersede their metasystem's overarching principles.
A metasystem influences, coordinates, and regulates its subsystems. It operates at a higher level of abstraction, overseeing and managing the interactions and functions of the subsystems.
In spirituality or metaphysics, cosmic laws include concepts like karma, the law of cause and effect; the law of attraction, the belief that positive or negative thoughts or actions bring positive or negative outcomes; or the principle of divine harmony, the idea that there's an underlying balance and order to the universe.
In science, cosmic laws refer to fundamental principles of physics and cosmology, such as the laws of thermodynamics, the laws of motion, the theory of relativity, and the laws of quantum mechanics. These laws, which describe the behavior of matter and energy on cosmic scales, are the building blocks of our understanding of how the universe works. These are not just scientific theories but demonstrable laws that obey cosmic laws. And these laws of science, too, are subsystems.
At their very essence, cosmic laws are principles and universal guiding forces that permeate every aspect of existence. Cosmic laws influence the movement of galaxies as well as your individual experience. Everything and everyone is subject to cosmic law.
Unfortunately, cosmic laws are mostly unacknowledged in Western culture. Cosmic laws appear as fantastical rather than tangible realities, leading to a dismissal of the need to adhere to them. This disbelief in cosmic law stems from various factors.
Western culture strongly emphasizes empirical evidence and the scientific method. Individuals are trained to be skeptical of ideas that cannot be directly tested or proven empirically. “Where’s the beef?”
In Western culture, individualism and the rational mind reign supreme, fostering skepticism toward unseeable authority and age-old beliefs, including metaphysical or spiritual concepts such as cosmic laws.
However, a striking contradiction emerges amidst the culture’s skepticism. Throughout history, revered figures like Moses, Buddha, Christ, Mohammad, Gandhi, The Dalai Lama, and Martin Luther King acknowledged the existence of these cosmic laws and centered their lives around them.
Our experience with Aboriginal elders is that they are directly engaged with these laws and see it as their purpose to bring these laws to their communities.
The COSMIC Law of Integrity
Elders believe that integrity is a cosmic law. And as an elder, they endeavor to operate their lives in accordance with the law of integrity.
As generally understood, integrity is the quality of being honest, having strong moral principles, and adhering to them consistently. This interpretation involves doing what is right even when no one is watching and staying true to one's values and beliefs. Elders focus on acting in a manner consistent with this element of the law of integrity, but then again, so do many others.
What distinguishes elders is their understanding of the larger context of this cosmic law of integrity. For us, integrity has a broader, more universal meaning; we perceive integrity has a profound impact on the fabric of all existence. Elders believe the law of integrity is a cosmic force operating on a universal scale, affecting not only individual behavior but the interconnectedness of the entire world.
The definition of integrity is “the state of being whole and undivided.” Undivided means not separated or broken into parts. Integrity is when something is whole and complete, with nothing left out, unbroken.
This law has indisputable proof. When individuals and institutions act with integrity, they contribute to the overall harmony and balance in society and the universe. Conversely, compromised integrity leads to imbalance, discord, and negative consequences on a local or broader scale. Enron, Boeing, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, and WorldCom are examples of when the law was broken.
The evidence of the law's existence is also unmistakable when the law is broken in your life. Breaking the law results in guilt and shame, loss of self-respect, damage to relationships, stress and anxiety, loss of credibility, and clouded judgment. We’ve all had these responses when we know we’ve broken the law of integrity.
So, just as the laws of physics dictate the behavior of matter and energy, the law of integrity governs our ethical interactions with each other. When people act with integrity, they align themselves with this cosmic law and develop trust, cooperation, and mutual respect.
When people break the law of integrity, they foster distrust, conflict, and antagonism. This might explain why our country looks the way it does today. Integrity in politics, business, and social media is nearly impossible to find.
How does a contemporary elder manifest integrity in daily life? What’s their practice? Elders consciously endeavor to operate with integrity in their speaking. Miguel Ruiz best describes this practice in his book The Four Agreements.
“Be Impeccable with Your Word
Speak with integrity.
Say only what you mean.
Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.
Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”
Contemporary elders rigorously practice living with and inside integrity. They understand that adherence to this cosmic law yields certain outcomes, which I have personally experienced.
· Authenticity: You become true to yourself, aligning your actions with your values and beliefs.
· Self-Respect: Upholding integrity fosters a sense of self-respect and dignity.
· Trustworthiness: You are perceived as reliable and trustworthy, as others can depend on your consistent behavior.
· Peace of Mind: Living in harmony with your values compass can bring a sense of inner peace and contentment.
· Stronger Relationships: Integrity forms the foundation of meaningful relationships, fostering trust and mutual respect for each other.
· Resilience: Your integrity provides a moral compass to guide your decisions, increasing your resilience in the face of adversity.
· Personal Growth: Embracing integrity demands continual self-reflection and growth as you strive to uphold your integrity in various situations.
· Inspiration to Others: By embodying integrity, you inspire others to strive for authenticity and moral courage in their lives.
One of the Contemporary Elder Institute's (CEI) intentions is for our elders to abide by the law of integrity and be asked to join decision-making conversations. Their presence will command respect and ensure their higher wisdom is valued and attentively heeded. With elders at the table, their influence will significantly contribute to a better world.