Dr. Marc B. Cooper


Award-winning consultant, author, Futurist and Leader


For most, there will come a time when you transition from middle age to late age. This transition can begin in the late 50s but usually peaks in the mid to late 60s and, for outliers, in their early 70s. It is a natural and unavoidable part of life. However, how you navigate this transition determines your entire late-age future.

The transition hits when your career ends, your children are grown, and your body shows unmistakable signs of aging. This is when growing old becomes undeniable, bringing your beliefs and fears about aging, death and dying to the forefront.

As you enter late age, the reality you face starkly contrasts with the life you've mastered. Suddenly, everything becomes unfamiliar, uncertain, and disorienting. The knowledge and achievements that once defined you seem irrelevant. Your professional and social identities fade, and your presence
and voice now overlooked. You've entered a stage of life where who you were no longer holds significance. Now what?

Dr. Marc B. Cooper has journeyed through this transition. By embracing the timeless wisdom of elders, he became an elder himself. He discovered that being an elder profoundly alters the passage through this transition and determines another way to grow old. Marc realized that becoming an elder during this passage from middle to late age offered a path to a future well
beyond what our culture and our present state of mind envision.

Marc’s mission became crystal clear: to educate, train, and develop those transitioning from middle age to their later years into wise and empowered elders.

  • Black and White Dock


Dr. Cooper’s new book, Older to Elder: The Thinking and Being of a Contemporary Elder, is a collection of essays, fables, and introspective surveys. It captures the essence of being an elder in our Western, ultra- modern, youth-obsessed, "more is better" culture. This book aims to guide individuals through their passage in later years by illuminating the path to deeper self-understanding, higher consciousness, and spiritual growth, becoming an elder to navigate aging with wisdom, grace and purpose.

In a culture that views aging as a downward spiral into marginalization, depression, and loss of purpose, this book offers a powerful alternative. A contemporary elder, equipped with the wisdom and insights found within these pages, can consciously create a future of fulfillment, achievement, and self-realization. Older to Elder serves as a platform for empowerment, inspiring readers to take control of their aging journey and cultivate rich, fulfilling final chapters of their lives as an elder.


Is the Elder Path for You?

Albert Einstein once said, "There comes a leap in consciousness, call it
intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you, and you don't
know how or why. All great discoveries are made in this way."

If you are beginning to enter or in late age, you are acutely aware that the horizon is moving closer. You now sense there is still much to discover and uncover before you're gone. You can feel time accelerating. Your body is sending messages of its decline. But now your intuition whispers there is a self-determined, creative, and dynamic way to live out life as an elder, trust your intuition.

You can explore Dr. Cooper's work on his blog and podcasts or reserve
his latest book, Older to Elder: The Thinking and Being of a Contemporary

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  • a black and white photo of a wooden bridge in the woods

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